Why are thousands of tax preparers participating in the new Annual Filing Season Program?
As a tax preparer you need to stay up on all the latest changes and updates that happen every year and the Annual FilingSeason Program and Annual Federal Tax Refresher Course will make sure have all the latest information. Another benefit is that you will be placed in public directory of tax preparers with select...
Straight Talk on the Annual Filing Season Program (AFSP)
There is a lot of information going around and a lot of misinformation too about the Annual Filing Season Program (AFSP). So lets get some straight talk on what it is, how you complete it and most importantly, what is in it for you. By definition the Annual Filing Season Program is an IRS Program to recognize the...
Get Your IRS Record of Completion When You Renew Your PTIN
When you renew your PTIN this year you'll notice a new option. You will see an option to participate in the Annual Filing Season Program. The Annual Filing Season Program. (AFSP) is an IRS Effort to recognize tax preparers who aspire to a higher degree of professionalism. By participating in the program you are...
Set Yourself Apart From the Competition with the Annual Filing Season Program (AFSP)
In the increasingly competitive market of tax professionals many preparers find themselves struggling to separate themselves from the herd. There is more competition than ever from big corporate agencies and from out of the box do it yourself tax software companies. In today’s competitive tax preparer market you...
PTIN Renewal Season Opens in 2 Days
With the 2014 filing season officially coming to a close there is a new season in town. Actually there are two seasons you should be aware of. PTIN renewal open season is tentatively scheduled to open on October 16th. This really is the beginning of the 2015 filing season. What also is important for the 2015...